Thursday, July 7, 2011


For some time we have been contemplating the celebration of our 50th wedding anniversary. First of all, the count must be off. It can't possibly be fifty years since that hot dry day in western Kansas in late August of 1961. I graduated from high school in 1960 and then went to college in Salina, KS for my freshman year. It was a good year especially after we had our first date in January or February. By August we were married and by the next June we were in Germany, guests of the US Army. Well, that was a roller coaster start and from there it just kept going, sometimes uphill, sometimes down. But without a doubt, it was a steady climb until we suddenly had six children, had cared for a couple foster children, both of us had gone back to school. Ron completed two degrees and I became a nurse, and soon Ron retired from Dillons, opened the book store, and now it has been fifty years.Of course, there were a few other things like emergency room visits, trips to visit the kids, emergency appendectomy, a new knee, a lot of car wrecks, traffic tickets, and many, many visits to different college campuses where kids were happily doing their own things. Well, I guess it might be fifty years after all. They say time flies when you are having a good time. Yes, it has been a very fine journey and we will celebrate heartily in a few weeks with the best things of all, all of us together. There will be lots of teenagers, lots of babies, friends, family, and the proud originators of this fine group. We are sorry to be missing our parents but they would be proud of our fifty years.

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